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My Dreams

Parte I inviata da envylady2002 e caricata in data 10/Febbraio/2003 00:12:24

I fantasize that I am a giantess and that I have a taste for men. Literally. I love to eat them. Whole. I enjoy feeling them wiggle down my throat, and the moving around in my belly trying to get out. They stop wiggling soon enough. I don't know if its the lack of oxygen or the acid in my stomach that just kills them, but they soon settle down and I dont hear or feel them jumping around anymore. I love the way it feels and I just cant get enough of them. Most guys are scared of me, but they don't have a choice. Men are at my mercy. If I want them I get them, I will play with them at first, not simply devouring them as soon as I get them. I carry them in my panties for while, sometimes in my bra. Usually guys will play with me while they are in there. Have to be careful of the ones I put in my panties because they sometime slip into my pussy and will suffocate. Happened once.

It felt great untill he died. I still occasionally when playing with my little men will stick them up my pussy. It feels wonderful when ther are wiggling around inside there. I keep a hold of his feet so I can pull him out occasionally. I usually play with the man for at leasta couple of days. I will even feed him and give him water to drink, when I am done with him, I strip him naked, tilt my head back, open wide and drop him in. Down the hatch! Sometimes they try to fight it, which I rather enjoy. I like to play with him with my tounge for a little bit but in the end I use my tounge to push him

back to the back of my throat and I swallow. They sometimes fight all the way down but they are no match for my neck muscles as he slowly gets worked down, till

The End.

HeroicLizard Media and Videogames, sviluppo videogames e contenuti fetish, per l'intrattenimento di adulti. Accesso ai prodotti sviluppati da HeroicLizard, su Patreon.com, animazioni, esperienze VR, videogames fetish. Accesso alla pagina Instagram di HeroicLizard, comunicazioni ed immagini nuove ogni settimana, gigantesse e altro.

Gigantesse.it è un portale internazionale dedicato a fantasie su gigantess, con una grande quantità di contenuti, divisi per tipologia. Tutto il material, la struttura, l'organizzazione del sito è © Copyright di Gigantesse.it situato in Italia. Gigantess.it è stato avviato nel lontano agosto del 2001 come sito fetish per l'intrattenimento di adulti, adesso sta crescendo nuovamente e nuovi progetti stanno per essere avviati, per creare una nuova era nel settore fetish dedicato alle gigantesse.