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girlsfood ha inviato un messaggio dal titolo:
:p ed ha ricevuto
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messaggio inviato in data:
28/Agosto/2006 02:40:57
Hehe, nice to see that you are arround here again Monica, and nice to notice that you are fine.
Im going to do another live comic by the end of september/first days of october, prolly will gather all over everyone i can get to start the new adventure. I will add notes on the web about how to and so a week before we start planing the roleplaying.
This one will have some crush/vore scenes, some funny moments, wonder if will be enought if i say that the shruken men on this comics are arround 1-2 centimeters tall? , just a funny story, there will be arround a group of girls (more than 6) , amost one thousand of shruken men, some shruken women, and ... (!!!) a man (!!)... If you are interested just tell me and i note down your name on the list of participants/actors on the story.
I allready count with all the spanish players from the 2 last live comics (the summer meeting and the kitties story) , and some others spanish talkers from the american continent, that would enjoy that.
On any case Mo, im happy to see you again, dont know if you want to resume still with all these stuff, but that is allways up to you, i just draw. Take care and see you arround mate, yours: