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Giantess Deeane and her tiny student [ replica ] nipotino-formichino ha inviato un messaggio dal titolo: Giantess Deeane and her tiny student ed ha ricevuto 0 repliche.
messaggio inviato in data: 14/Settembre/2011 13:13:53

In Occasione dell'apertura delle scuole:
una Professoressa Gigantessa, come è gisto che sia.
dall'abstract, (non provo a tradurlo, mi boccerebbe!):
Deeane is a young and sexy school teacher.She is known for always making students interested in her classroom and obtaining good results with her teaching methods.Its sunday afternoon and Deeane is sitting at her desk correcting the classes` testpapers. Johnny has always been an exceptional student.Very disappointed with his paper,Deeane sighs.She will probably have to fail Johnny this semester.Camera moves on the floor and we see a tiny man very close to Deeane`s feet.Its Johnny!! He shrunk himself to spy on teacher Dee to see how she would correct his test paper.He was planning to climb up on the table,but his luck runs out and Deeane drops her pen on the floor.Baffled,she recognizes tiny Johhny.How did he get in her house?How long had he been spying on her?She picks up Johnny and puts him on the desk.Its obvious he is here concerning the test paper..So he is aware of his situation.Intreagued,teacher Deeane realised that no one actually knows that little Johnny is there so she could practically do anything to him!!Why not starting with a foot massage?After all,little Johnny is ready to do anything to please his teacher and pass this exam.Johny gives Deeane a great foot massage.Pleased,she puts him back on the floor thinking to let him go.Quickly,she changes her mind and requests another foot massage.Why not,after all,Johnny had done such a great job!Still,Deeane has tricked Johhny.She decided not to pass him ,or let him leave.She slowly lowers her massive foot upon his puny body sealing his fate forever!After all, if Johnny didnt study,why should he get away that easy?

Giantess Deeane and her tiny student nipotino-formichino ha scritto: Giantess Deeane and her tiny student ed ha ricevuto 0 repliche. [***]
inviato in data: 14/Settembre/2011 13:13:53

HeroicLizard Media and Videogames, sviluppo videogames e contenuti fetish, per l'intrattenimento di adulti. Accesso ai prodotti sviluppati da HeroicLizard, su Patreon.com, animazioni, esperienze VR, videogames fetish. Accesso alla pagina Instagram di HeroicLizard, comunicazioni ed immagini nuove ogni settimana, gigantesse e altro.

Gigantesse.it è un portale internazionale dedicato a fantasie su gigantess, con una grande quantità di contenuti, divisi per tipologia. Tutto il material, la struttura, l'organizzazione del sito è © Copyright di Gigantesse.it situato in Italia. Gigantess.it è stato avviato nel lontano agosto del 2001 come sito fetish per l'intrattenimento di adulti, adesso sta crescendo nuovamente e nuovi progetti stanno per essere avviati, per creare una nuova era nel settore fetish dedicato alle gigantesse.