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dolceluna ha inviato un messaggio dal titolo:
hi little john! ed ha ricevuto
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messaggio inviato in data:
25/Giugno/2006 02:00:17
Is the problem what happens on the keyboard symply? Since I'm not Dante Alighieri, when I type anything on the keyboard I do a lot of mistakes (usually more mistakes than correct words) and the little guy noticed this. So, maybe he was a little worried in deciding which key was the most appropriate to get his rest while I was writing. The topic was Spacebar or Backspace? That's the problem!! He took a look to spacebar but it was too long and He wanted to be touched continuosly by my fingertips so he choosed the backspace to sleep on (sleep or not...). And he became veryvery horny while I stroke on his chest several times every minute passed writing on the computer.
Thanks so much for the great job you did on my charachter for your site! I can fully recognize myself in the dawings and this is making me very happy theese days!
I'm looking forward very much to know Meiko, she seems to be a wonderful real giantess!
A kiss.